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Free Floating Inspection Technology

Pipers®, a free floating inspection device utilizes acoustics to identify gas pockets, temperature, pressure, and sediment buildup on the pipe invert. This technology has been used throughout North America in water, wastewater, and gas pipeline applications to collect data on over 1,000 miles of pipelines of all materials and size.

This equipment is deployed through a minimum 3-inch outlet or through the removal and replacing of a flange to allow for the insertion of the inspection ball necessary to collect the data required on the project. Once the capture point is verified two live spheres are typically launched depending on job specific conditions within 15 minutes of each other (if possible) to collect live operation data on the force main. The spheres are free floating and do not require surface tracking during deployment. All location data and coordinates are picked up during post processing for final reporting. The primary data collected will be acoustic in nature and include leak noises and air pocket locations.

The retrieval of the Pipers® can be achieved with a variety of methods. In force main applications, there is usually a discharge manhole or headworks at a wastewater treatment plant that are the destination of the flow and retrieval location of the equipment. At discharge manholes, a metallic basket would be installed in the manhole to allow flow to continue and catch the Pipers® as they outfall into the manhole. In headworks of WWTP headworks applications, the bar screens or rake systems are locations where the Pipers® can be captured and retrieved. In order for leaks to be detected, the pipeline must be pressurized above ambient levels. The greater the pressure, the more clearly leaks can be identified. However, leaks as low as 0.18 gallons (0.7 liters) per minute have been detected by CPM in low pressure applications. Leaks of even smaller magnitude can be detected if the line is sufficiently pressurized.

Leak Detection

Greater program integrity and risk mitigation by regularly monitoring high-consequence areas.

Hydraulic Grade line

With 100 pressure measurements per second, Pipers® can provide a highly accurate hydraulic grade line.

Wall Condition Monitoring

Pipers® data is highly repeatable over time allowing for an accurate determination of changes in the pipeline condition. Regular monitoring delivers greater program control, early detection, and lower costs.


Large diameter pipelines up to 48-inches and specialized conditions

  • Pressures up to 1,450 psi
  • Temperature range: -4 to 140º F
  • Runtime up to 24 hours for storage and operation at 68º F
  • Diameter: 2.8-inches
INGU Pipers® Free Floating Inspection Device Launch Tube
INGU Pipers® Launch Tube
INGU Pipers® Free Floating Inspection Technology
INGU Pipers® Free Floating Inspection Technology